Here at Teri Tales Productions we are invested in education and learning that is fun, engaging and even a little silly at times. Have you or your little one ever wondered what POO can be used for? Ever wondered why some animals POO where they do? There are some very interesting poo facts out there and we’re going to share them all with you.
Over at IFLSCIENCE they go into depth about Wombats and why their poo is square. Wombats, who are nocturnal animals, have poor eyesight but an excellent sense of smell and they use poo as their main way of telling who lives where and if there are any strangers in their area, helping to avoid conflict.
To learn more, head on over to IFLSCIENCE.
Yep, you read that right! Rabbit POO actually has a number of benefits for your garden in the form of a fertilizer.
Thanks to Imperfectly Happy Homesteading you can learn how to make your very own rabbit compost tea; all you’ll need is some rabbit POO and a barrel of water. Who knew?!
Rabbit poo compost tea is another fantastic option for that super rabbit poo fertilizer. To make it you’ll want to soak 2 cups of rabbit droppings in a 5 gallon bucket full of water. Keep that tea covered and only uncover once a day for stirring. Make sure you keep your brew as far away from the house as possible because the flies love this stuff! It will take about 3 – 5 days for the poo to completely breakdown, settling at the bottom (it won’t dissolve completely). But keep the brewing tea in a warm, sunny, spot for best results.
Cow dung is a plentiful, potentially valuable organic agricultural by-product that you can often get for free or even have someone pay you to “take off their hands” (eww). Ruminants and their bacteria are very efficient, but there’s still energy left to extract–one way to use it is to make electricity. – WikiHOW
Over on WikiHOW they explain with pictures the how-to process of turning cow dung into a viable energy source. For anyone that lives on or near a dairy farm, you can just imagine how valuable this option might just be.
To learn more, check out WikiHOW.
Cow Dung is also a great source of Green Energy
The country of Denmark is a huge advocate for the use of green energy, specifically biogas and biomass fuels created from cow dung. Biomass fuels have become of increasing importance to Denmark over the past 25 years, helping to make a significant contribution to the reduction of Danish carbon emissions.
Traditionally cow dung has been used as a fertilizer, though today dung is collected and used to produce biogas. This gas is rich in methane and is used in rural areas of India/Pakistan and elsewhere to provide a renewable and stable source of electricity. According to the International Energy Agency, bioenergy (biogas and biomass) have the potential to meet more than a quarter of world demand for transportation fuels by 2050. – DENMARK.DK
To learn more about Denmark’s use of green energy, check out their website.
Got Bacteria?
Koalas’ sure do.
Did you know that baby koalas’ find eucalyptus leaves toxic until they have eaten some of their mother’s poo which contains enzymes that triggers their immune systems and allows them to ingest what becomes their staple diet …eucalyptus.
[And] not just any poo — a specially made, creamy, extra “wet” kind of poo, called pap.
“Pap contains special gut bacteria that koala joeys need” to survive on their highly specialized diet of eucalyptus leaves.
To learn more about baby koalas’, check out this article from
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