As all teaching professionals know, making sure to capture and sustain student attention during lessons is key to successful learning.
Using developmentally appropriate humour, colourful illustrations, word play and a high-interest topic are incredibly important to increase understanding, reduce behaviour challenges, and hook children into a life-long love of learning.
School Curriculum for ‘What if Bunny Poo was Square?’

‘What if Bunny Poo was Square?’ is a delightful and whimsical tale by Teri Baker about taking care of a pet bunny and brings an important life lesson of responsibility to children in a way that is fun, endearing, and engaging.
‘What if Bunny Poo was Square?’ involves an abandoned bunny named Patch, who is adopted by a girl named Marcie. Despite Patch being different than other bunnies, Marcie loves and accepts him just the way that Patch is. The theme of demonstrating compassion and acceptance of others, human and animal alike, is an integral part of the book.
Amber from Story Time Pals reads ‘What if Bunny Poo was Square?’ for #KidsBooksReadAloud
‘What if Bunny Poo was Square?’ also lends itself to teaching elementary students valuable learning outcomes, as prescribed by the British Columbia Ministry of Education. ‘What if Bunny Poo was Square?’ comes with a detailed, step-by-step curriculum allowing elementary teachers the opportunity to use the book in classroom lessons that highlight Core Competencies, Big Ideas, Curricular Competencies and Content for students in Kindergarten to grade two. Lessons are easily adaptable to students of all needs and abilities, including those following a modified program.
‘What if Bunny Poo was Square?’ comes with a detailed, step-by-step curriculum just for teachers and is now available for download >HERE<

As an added bonus, the children can dance and express themselves to the theme song, ‘Forever Homes’ that is uplifting and happy. This song highlights the ultimate message of the book, which is adopting a pet requires a commitment to providing love and responsible care for the pet throughout its lifetime giving the pets FOREVER HOMES. Presently it is a major epidemic where many bunnies become diseased or die as a result from being purchased (mainly around Easter) and let go into the wild six months later when the owners cannot cope with owning a pet, this message of ethical social and environmental practice is crucial. This song is a great opportunity for students to ensure this critical message.
Full Curriculum Package Now Available for Teachers!
The Curriculum Package for ‘What if Bunny Poo was Square?’ is now available for download by clicking >HERE<. The Curriculum Package has been created for teachers, by a teacher currently employed in the British Columbia school system.
In alliance with the new Ministry of British Columbia grade K/1 and 2 curricula, the Curriculum Package for this book is as hands-on, collaborative, and creative as it gets. Encouraging students to actively learn and display knowledge of the Core Competencies of Communication, Critical Thinking, and Social Responsibility, each lesson contained in the Curriculum Package is cross-curricular amongst many subject areas such as English Language Arts, Science, Arts Education, and Math. In addition to covering these areas of the prescribed curriculum, ‘What if Bunny Poo was Square?’ is a high interest rhyming story, which promotes fluency and phonetic awareness of the English language.
Teachers now have access to download the full Curriculum Package by clicking >HERE<
Each lesson plan is detailed and user-friendly. Specific Big Ideas, Curricular Competencies and Content to be covered are included in every lesson. As well, the developmentally appropriate skills that are practiced within the lesson are highlighted so that educators can assess the current ability of students within these realms. The lessons have been created for students in Kindergarten to grade two, due to the phenomenon of split classes and the range in development among elementary – aged children. Lessons also include a final summary, which enables teachers to determine whether or not students have met the learning goals previously instructed.
All teachers will follow the guidelines of the public health and safety program
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